Arcade Trends for 2019

  • By Zone 28
  • 24 Dec, 2018
Game Zone Arcade Zone 28 | Pittsburgh
As with all technology, video games are constantly changing, improving and evolving. A walk through the Game Zone arcade at Zone 28 definitely shows how gaming has evolved  over time. With 2018 coming to an end, we thought we’d take a look at what’s next with some exciting trends we’re looking forward to in 2019.

VR is Getting Better

Many critics derided Virtual Reality as nothing more than a fad. However, as arcades the world over have proved, VR  is here to stay. The best thing about VR games is their variety. From family-friendly roller coaster rides to first-person shooters, VR is proving that it’s not a novelty act, but the next step in arcade game evolution.

Every aspect of VR arcade games is constantly improving. Better headsets, graphics and platforms contribute to new experiences gamers have never seen. The way we are able to move through these virtual worlds will only get smoother and more, well, realistic.

Hyper-Realistic Graphics 

Graphics are improving  every single day, so it’s no surprise that 2019 will continue this trend. While we all love the class 32 or 64 bit classics, there’s something about the newest, flashiest and smoothest that will always hold our attention. In addition to smoother graphics, we’ll also see the next innovations in realistic imaging.

One of the leading processors of realistic graphics is NVIDIA. Through its ray-tracing graphics cards, we’ll see the most realistic graphics to date. According to developers, this is one of the biggest breakthroughs for video game graphics in a long time. We’ll see more realistic character movement as well as stages and worlds we’ve never even dreamed of!

The Arcade at Home 

It seems like arcades and nostalgia will always go hand in hand. Video game developers everywhere are cashing in on our love with the all things 80s and 90s and bringing the arcade-style game back to the public’s attention. Even as video games get more and more advanced by the day, there’s still a desire for a simpler time.

New games like Super Smash Brothers Ultimate are definite throwbacks to the bustling mall arcades of decades past. These games return to a simple style of play that are generally accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, but still up the ante enough for gaming aficionados to find something they’ll love. These games prove America’s love for the arcade are here to stay.

Experience Your Favorite Arcade Games at Zone 28

From classic mainstays to the newest in VR technology, Zone 28 will provide you an arcade experience you’ll never forget. Learn more about our games and what’s waiting for you in the Game Zone!
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